This opinionative section has been brought into effect in a bid to make the articles more opinionated - a few articles every issue that serve as radars for the everchanging scene on campus. These are aimed at bringing to light the necessities of students and may serve as eye openers.
It’s your first day back on campus. The winter is
harsh, not too harsh, but harsh. You unpack your
things; maybe change the layout of your room a little
bit. You’ve come with a positive attitude. This sem
will be different. This sem I will be brilliant again.
Because you know secretly that you are brilliant. I will
go for classes this semester, you say. Because you will, you
absolutely will. I will spend less time on DC. I will watch less
movies and TV shows. I will read more books. I will do more
productive things. So many positive thoughts.
The next morning you have registration. None of that
standing-in-line-outside-the-IPC nonsense. The
Times, They Are a-Changin’. We have now moved on
to ERP. Where you can comfortably sit in the warmth
of your own room and register. Even the institute is
being positive, you think. You are happy/satisfied/
uninterested/disappointed with your PR number.
(Damn, there goes that extra ele