How about I tug you out of your pre-fest revelry for a bout reduced interaction with the wing. We chalked it up as an
of gratuitous reflection?
extension of his idiosyncratic ways and casually went along
with our mundane lives. In light of recent events, I shudder
On the surface, it seems like we’ve been quick to move on
to think of what could have been. Ultimately, he was brave
from the staggering incident that took place not more than
enough to seek professional help and is now back to his usuthree weeks ago. However, I’m reasonably certain that it’s
al kicking-ass-in-life ways.
been sporadically gnawing on the minds of a fair few. Twenty odd years on this spinning rock, and still one struggles to We all need the occasional leg up in life. More so here, what
come to terms with the concept of death – more so in the with apparent stagnancy and an uncertain future, it’s pretty
given circumstances.
easy to get wrapped up in a downward helix of existentialism
and self-loathing. Keep an eye out for your friends; drag
In the meantime, we’ve avoided brooding over it by engagthem along to the mess or just out of their rooms for some
ing in relative trivialities –midsems, boycotts, and fests.
inane banter. It’ll be worth your time.
It boggles the mind – and still it would be utter folly to mark
On another note, another APOGEE is upon us. I’ve always
it as a freak accident. Depression is not an imaginary ailment,
felt consumed by a strange sense of joy during a fest. All seit exists and runs deep among students on campus. We’ve all
mester hassles are bottled away, lock and keyed for a full five
suffered from - or know people who have – rigorous and
days. For some reason, I’ve usually appreciated APOGEE a
seemingly unrelenting troughs in our time here.
lot more than Oasis, contrary to the customary superlatives
One of my wingies, in his second year, had a significantly associated with the latter. Maybe, the less pressure to have
protracted period of mental distress. In retrospect, the signs fun during APOGEE is precisely what makes it fun. Stay,
were therefor all to see. Missing meals, not stepping out of those of you headed elsewhere.
his room for days – even for bare essentials, and generally
IG, Angad, Pranita, Spriha, Siddhant,
Ajay Ramya, Debolina, Kruti, Neel,
Nithya, Passey, Prateek, Ritvik,
Sahil D, Sahil K, Shalaka, Shashank,
Shruti, Steffie, Viraj
Ananth, Anish, Archit, Madhusudan,
Pratik, Rahul, Rusheen, Soumya,
Srishti, Tanay, Tanmayee, Vijay
Akhilesh, Danish, Deeksha, Gayatri,