The Fine Print Issue 2, August 2013 - Election special | Page 4

General Secretary Candidates the Institute.” He has a plan when it comes to reusing waste water generated by the RO purifiers: “It comprises 30% of the intake, which will be directed to “Being last year’s Hostel Representative of Bhagirath Bhawan, I took note of the things SU could do and get done. I realized how small changes can go a long way in the lawns, or to the bathroom storbenefitting students. However, I like to handle inventory. Since the President is the age tanks. The salt levels and amount of waste water can be adfinancial StuCCAn and the General Secretary is the inventory StuCCAn, I decided to contest for the latter.” These were the words of Aakash Chandra, when asked about justed, since they will be commercial purifiers.” the motivation behind his political ambitions. The Grievance Redressal Portal will help the complainant to present his problem in an open forum but if left dissatisfied, he will have to approach the SU again. A point which drew much flak during the Auditorium Debate was regarding the stationery sections. “The stationery shop was shut down since it was run by a person from the Institute. Now we will be using the existing manpower and place only.” He stated that the employee at S9 has Nevertheless, we went the drill, and started asking him about his manifesto, starting agreed to sell stationery as well. with the evergreen point about vending machines on campus. “Vending machines The “aesthetically pleasing cycle shed” in front of LTC strives to save cycles from will be set up in places with at least one security guard, such as Workshop, Temple and Malviya Bhawan.” He assured that the company had agreed to set them up free getting damaged in the heat. What about those parked in the Bhawans? “I have spoof cost, including expenses on maintenance and, difficult as it is to believe, electrici- ken to the Deputy Director about this. He said there are many changes taking place in the Bhawans as part of the campus redevelopment project. He was not sure if ty. When asked if tokens or ID cards would be used for the chips and cold drinks setting up cycle sheds was one of them, and hence did not commit to it.” promised, he answered: “Indian currency it will be”. Well, we hope for the best. Chandra’s presence in the election scene had been conspicuous by its lack thereof, and the Auditorium Debate, it would seem, did little to help his prospects. Whether it was the dearth of controversy and feasibility issues in his manifesto points or simply the absence of any notability, Chandra’s plans for the campus didn’t attract as much attention from the EC Panel as he’d have hoped. His marquee point about the installation of fly traps in the hostels, however, did invite a flurry of questions. One of the seemingly innocuous ones which got him into a tizzy was, “So the fly traps will trap... flies? What about large insects?” Other questions about failures in the past of his proposed stationery shop also drew unsatisfactory responses. The mess signings portal with options of changing T- shirt colour and size, as well as cancellations, did draw our attention. As did the RO purifiers, for completely different reasons. “They can produce 75 litres of water per hour and will be installed by Rounding up the interview we asked him what he felt about the competition. “Competition is good,” he said. Well, we leave him at that, and wish him luck. Aakash Chandra Nikhil Kumar Jha The busy general secretary candidate, Nikhil Kumar Jha, was on a tight schedule and managed to give the English Press Club 15 minutes of his time to discuss this chaotic period and his role in it. The questions raised against his manifesto point being a notice poster for publicity of the RACE certainly must have startled him, while his Financial Literacy Programme modelled after the RBI programme (though, during the audi debate he claimed that his programme was merely inspired by the RBI one and not modelled after it) was mocked for being a copy of a system designed to work in rural areas and not providing enough incentives for students to attend. His replies to these assertions were, to a certain extent, true to his statement that he managed to remain calm during the majority of it. The feasibility of his proposed online pre-order system for Food King can be questioned heavily in aspects of practicality and how it improves the current system and whether it is actually convenient. Certainly ordering online before going to FK seems Nikhil Kumar Jha is no newbie like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