A difficult man
to get hold of
Chourasia, one
of the two
candidates for
the presidential elections, finally sat down with
the EPC after multiple postponements. It was
a difficult meeting to set up, but well worth it.
The outgoing H-Rep of Shankar Bhawan had
quite a few things to say about his campaign.
duties over his academic ones. The simple
reason being that he prefers practical work as
opposed to long hours of studying. No one
likes slogging it out, do they?
Speaking diplo matically, he said that the Gen
Sec and the President do have similar duties
but after some thought, he felt that the post of
President was more to his liking, as he
considered it a more ‘serious’ post. He insists
that the public’s perception of the posts did
not bend his mind to the supposedly more
glamorous option.
He feels that he has a strong manifesto, and
elaborates by saying that Yoga, e-Student
Union, Solar Panels, etc. are all innovative in
He also addresses the issues of technical teams
like ROBOCON etc. having to fund their own
projects by obtaining external sponsorship
managed by a newly setup body. The
Department of Sponsorship and Marketing
has been left to manage the fests as he feels
that is enough work for them and wouldn’t
want to burden them with this.
His idea of a Campus Development Council,
or CDC, is meant to be a platform for all
candidates, winning or losing, to implement
their ideas. He insisted here too, that he
On his manifesto, he says his most applicable wouldn’t want his solar lighting idea to be
and implementable idea is that of solar panels. wasted just because he didn’t get enough votes.
“The idea of cost increasing per head is a A man can lose, but an idea must be immortal.
common misconception” he claimed as he was
questioned. The idea will also help BITS Finally, he feels that medical facilities need to
register in international rankings and help be improved in BITS Pilani, and that the
modernise us, he claimed.
present body isn’t satisfying the needs of the
student body, something which needs to be
Sagar stands by his points, saying that the fruit addressed immediately. However, since the
van is something that would be able to provide Chief Warden has put these points forward
fresh fruits for all bhawans at regular intervals. already, he felt it’s a moot point now, almost
Any problems faced by students would to be going against his previous statement.
addressed to the SU and the fruit company
would be liable.
He stands by his manifesto like an oath and is
very clear that it addresses all the common
He says that academics are very important, and problems we have. We cannot have more. We
that the decision would be a difficult one, but
wish Sagar the very best for these elections!
he would prefer choosing his Presidential