The Final Dec. 2013 | Page 6

"People always forget to design

the back and the inside."

- Narciso Rodriguez

I love this quote. It applies to so many aspects of fashion besides the clothing itself. As a lover of graphic design, I often feel that some designers, pr professionals, and so-called fashionistas do not look at the whole picture when it comes to a brand. The clothes are important, but the advertisements and graphic works are more important.

It has been almost four years since the iPad was announced and released. During this time, publishers have had the chance to experiement with debuting their paper magazine on a digital platform. It is clear that the digital frontier we had been pushing off as something coming in the future is here and evolving faster than the fashion industry can catch up.

I recently read an article about J.Crew entering the London marketplace by opening three new stores with the flagship on Regent Street. What origianlly caught my eye was the cover of Bloomberg Business week; Will and Kate were dancing in J. Crew clothing. This small gif on the cover sparked my curiosity as to what fashion digital magazines are doing to really utilize the tools available to make their magazine interact with their audience.

New players in fashion publication have emerged to show off their digital savviness. These new digital pioneers are taking the internet, the arts, and fashion by the reins to produce the most interactive and choreographed magazines.

Only time will tell if these newbies will be guiding their grandparents (ahem, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar) into the digital light. I am excited to see how publications will be designing 'the back and the inside' of their digital magazines.

Eloisa Puentes

Eloisa Puentes
