The Fight for Joy The Fight for Joy | Page 8

1. READY THE PROLOGUE “Something must to kill man” is a very common statement we use in contemporary Nigeria. We use it to talk about food when the usual ‘causes cancer’ gang level allegations about another food item. But in reality, there’s something that can actually kill every mortal human walking the surface of the earth and it’s called ‘Depression’. The mere sound of it is like acid being poured on our souls and when it seeps in, it has the propensity to kill us. Before I continue, I should make one thing clear. By Kill I don’t mean suicide – suicide is the harsh and death concluding method of ending the life of a human being. Depression has another method of killing a man which is more lethal in my opinion. Depression can create a man who is only a ghost of himself and not actively doing anything beyond the necessary processes of survival. It’s a state of mere existence, where one simply goes through the motions of life without actually living. This is a worse form of death and I’m writing this book mainly for people at risk of that second form of death. Depression is an issue that has been neglected for so long, especially in our African circles because we are ‘black and strong’ but it’s becoming a conspicuous issue that cannot be ignored anymore. Before I proceed, it is quintessential to state that this is not a book to help clinically depressed people. If you are at constant risk of unexplainable depression, you should go to a hospital and ger professional help. This book is for those who go through ‘mild’ seasons of depression or sadness and despair and for those who want to avoid taking those roads especially those who go in circles. In the next few pages, I will be talking about depression and how to battle it – I’m not a professional I still battle depression and learn new methods every day but I think I should share my experience to help someone else. Disclaimer: I’m not saying everything in this book applies to all depressed people – the cra- zy thing about depression is no two cases are the same – but I believe one or two things will be relatable and help you on your journey. If you haven’t been majorly depressed I think this will benefit you too it will help you stand on your feet. So here we go. Our journey on the “Fight for Joy” begins.