The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 36

14 W.F. Shadwick that was made in the Tenth Anniversary Celebration. The proposal for a new building, coming after the MSRI and Newton Institutes and after my experience in creating the temporary space at Waterloo, presented a tremendous opportunity. The lessons learned from those projects were used to create something that would function superbly as a venue for the Fields Institute’s research activities. There was never any consideration of a design that had anything but the facilitation of the research mission of the Institute. The extravagance of fireplaces in the Director’s and Deputy Director’s offices was a tactic that I adopted when I was told by the junior architect that she had been ordered by University staff to delete the Common Room fireplace from the plans. She asked me what to do. I told her to add two more fireplaces, one for Jerry and one for me, because they would never have the nerve to try to remove all three. The result can be seen in the Common Room. The form of the building, wrapped as it is around the open central staircase and common space, was intended to make it virtually impossible for anyone to enter or leave an office without encountering other visitors or staff. This was based on my observations experiencing the successes and failures of the MSRI and Newton Institute buildings and provided the vision with which architect Thomas Payne addressed the design challenge.