The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 153

A Place for Inspiration 131 Medal Symposium has been a great boost to the enthusiasm for mathematics in Canada. The 120-cell Mobile that hangs in the Fields Institute building, created by Marc Pelletier in appreciation of Professor Donald Coxeter. The report on the NSERC Long Range Plan for the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences for 2014–19 recommended thinking of the three mathematical sciences institutes (Fields, CRM, and PIMS) as the leading nodes of a pan-Canadian network of institutes, which would also include BIRS (Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery), AARMS (the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences) and CANSSI (the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute), formed in 2012. The period since then has seen a growth in collaboration and activity across the country, a strengthening of the influence of the institutes at home, and a stronger presence