The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 125

The Particle Accelerators 103 organize a large national forum on mathematics education, sponsored by the CMS (including a public lecture by Stephen Lewis). Because of the credibility of the Forum (in education) and Fields (in mathematics), the Ontario Ministry of Education turned to Fields in 2006, when major opposition developed over the Ministry’s proposals to change the teaching of Calculus in grade 12. As a result, I ended up chairing a Ministry task force struck to pick the direction grade 12 math should take. We spent an intensive month talking to stakeholders around the province, and ended up recommending the creation of what is now the Calculus and Vectors course. In doing so, we drew heavily on a proposal that Walter Whiteley and Peter Taylor had floated at the Math Ed forum itself. Though faculty will forever complain about the preparation of their students, complaints today are an order of magnitude less intense than they had been. These curricular revisions improved the mathematical preparation of students, making this is an area where the direct impact of Fields has been widely felt. Fields and Industry Liaison In addition to its flagship thematic and focus programs, the array of conferences and workshops it organizes as general scientific activity, and its support for mathematical education, the Fields Institute also has a long-running program in Commercial and Industrial Mathematics (CIM). I’ve worked on that program for the past year, as Associate Director for Industry Liaison, having taken this over from Huaxiong Huang when he became Deputy Director of the Institute. The basic goal of this program is to stimulate useful conversations and interactions between academic researchers and practitioners from the private sector. Fields has successfully done this in the finance industry for years, in part because the many mathematicians working in that sector make