The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 94

72 Walter Craig by the number, quality, and breadth of the spectrum of its activities. It is and has been a pleasure and an honour to be associated with it over the years. Fields Institute Visiting Member My first contact with the Fields Institute was as an occasional visitor to the Toronto Mathematics Department in the 1990s, when I came to work with my long-term collaborator Catherine Sulem. I remember being struck by the functional and beautiful building and its dramatic atrium. And there were high quality mathematical programs which I came to take part in from time to time. I remember one in particular on micro-local analysis and spectral theory that attracted a stellar international crowd. The Toronto department was housed in Sydney Smith Hall at that time, which is more distant from the Institute than its current location in Bahen Centre, and it was less common than it is now for department members to frequent Fields; we were among the few to regularly make the short trek. This situation has now definitely changed. These impressions were strongly in my mind when I was offered a Canada Research Chair at McMaster University in 2000; it is clear to me that the presence of the Fields Institute, the resources that it offers to the mathematical sciences community, and its potential for the future, played an important role in the decision of my wife, Deidre Haskell, and me to accept. Bradd Hart was the Institute’s Acting Director at the time, and part of the deal involved being offered a visiting membership position, including access to shared office space—something that I have retained and value because it helps me keep my scientific horizons broad and provides a place to collaborate with non-McMaster colleagues. This is a benefit that is available to any mathematician faculty member of a Principal Supporting University (PSU), and I recommend taking advantage of it.