The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 9
A History in Stories
Ian Hambleton
The Fields Institute is twenty-five years old, but its Directors
and Deputy Directors have changed every few years. Such
renewal brings different perspectives, but it also means that
no Director has been around for the entire twenty-five years
of the Institute’s existence. That is why a book like this is
especially important.
Gathering reminiscences from various people involved with
the Institute over the years is a crucial part of preserving our
history—witnessing the struggle to get started and funded,
celebrating the amazing communities of mathematicians and
research programs that have evolved over the years, and
sharing all the amusing stories and incidents that are bound
to happen at a place that is such a vibrant hub of activity.
Looking back also provides momentum for the future. If we
have been able to accomplish so much over the past twenty-five
years, we can certainly thrive for twenty-five more! The
importance of mathematics in society has never been more
apparent. From artificial intelligence to quantum computing,
from climate change to disease detection, from big data
to cybersecurity, mathematical research is key. The Fields