The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 83
Heady and High-Level
John Chadam
“I constantly run into people who mention how their visits to the
Institute to participate in the finance programs have impacted
their own research programs and careers.”
On the occasion of the twenty-fifth birthday of the Fields
Institute, I would like to add my best wishes for its continued
success. Reading over the remarks that I made at the
tenth anniversary brought back fond memories of people and
events during those heady days. We all had such high
expectations. I must say what actually happened during
the fifteen intervening years far surpassed even those wildest
dreams, all due to the vision, dedication, and hard work of
everyone involved.
On behalf of all the program participants over the years and
the community at large, I’d like to offer our congratulations
and thanks to the Scientific Advisory Panels, the Board of