The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 74
John Gardner
Fields Institute was housed at Waterloo, I chaired the Business
Board of the University of Toronto Governing Council.
During the first four years of the Institute’s life there was
a frantic bidding war amongst the universities that wanted
to host the Institute. The University of Toronto and its
President, Rob Prichard, were particularly forceful. Rob was
also concerned about enhancing the physical integrity of the
campus with respect to its geographic boundaries.
There was a parking lot on the site now occupied by the
Institute. A second site under serious consideration was the
Boys’ and Girls’ House Library at 40 St. George Street, then
for sale by the City of Toronto. From the point of view of the
Business Board, the issues focused on were:
1. The design and construction of a building that would
enable the Institute to achieve its mission.
2. The establishment of an ongoing financial arrangement
with the Institute that would cover the costs of
constructing and maintaining the building.
3. Securing sources of funding.
Rob not only had to sell those responsible for the embryonic
institute on a suitable location, but also the Governing Council
on a project that was financially viable. Hence the host
university status and agreeme nt. Shortly after the decisions
were taken and the Institute was on its way to its location
on College Street, I reached my term limit on the Governing
Council. For my sins, I was asked if I was willing to be a
member of the Fields Board of Directors. Thus began my
twenty-year direct relationship with the Institute.