The Fiat Pointer Volume 14 | Page 16

Saudi youth, and to provide 100.000 students with practical leading programs in the major cities in the Kingdom by 2018, in cooperation with the business community and the Ministry of Education and Volunteers from the private sector. One of its unique programs is the (student company contest.) The International license of Entrepreneurship It provides an innovative vocational framework and gives young people the possibility of creating jobs and investment for themselves in a systematic way to rehabilitate young people to be able to create a business and transform ideas and innovations into economic productive projects. Training Opportunities Curriculum development projects It includes entre- There are many associations which provide training preneurship education outcomes to transform to a and sponsorship to women entrepreneurs, especially knowledge society. One of these projects is: the devel- chambers of business. Also, there are several local and opment of secondary education based on apprentice- foreign training program opportunities available for ship. It includes renewable study courses such as: vo- women to gain leadership and business skills. This cational education and life skills, management skills, training helps entrepreneurs to be successful, knowlhealth and physical education and practical training, edgeable, and develop a lot of confidence in their and advanced courses in English language, computer work. In Saudi Arabia, all the chambers of commerce and academic skills. have training centers. Bab Rizq The majority of Saudi families do not like feSaudi Women and EntrepreJameel (BRJ) with the support of neurship Opportunities in Ar- male members of their family to work in a private and public sectors creates company and mingle with men. As a result, chitecture and Interior Design. jobs, training programs, and proBy: Ibrahim Y. VaidFemale edu- more young women are working towards vides interest free loans for womcation trends in Saudi Arabia establishing their own businesses. In October en especially, who work from their are changing. More women are 2010, the Young Business Expo was organized homes. The executive director studying different types of engi- for women entrepreneurs at the Inter national said: recently women were neering, architecture, and inte- Exhibition Center in Jeddah. offered computer courses and a rior design. However, women training course entitled, “How to are still facing obstacles in finding jobs in engineering, start your small project”. There are many women inarchitecture, and interior design companies. The pur- volved in creating jobs and supporting women in pose of the paper was to explore the various employ- different ways to encourage them to be independent ment opportunities for architecture and interior de- in their work. In December 2010, Women in Leadersign graduates. Female graduates may find opportuni- ship Conference was held in Jeddah, and many wellties through entrepreneurship. There are different known speakers were invited and several awards were opportunities for entrepreneurs to receive training in awarded at the conference. Four members of the leadership, management, team building skills, loans, Women President's Organization (WPO) from the US and business skills. This paper is written for Saudi visited Dar Al-Hekma private college in Jeddah, and women who are about to graduate or have already conducted a training program for Saudi women entregraduated in architecture or interior design fields, preneurs. SCORE offers free face to face and online showing them that they do not have to work in archi- business counseling, mentoring, training, and advice tecture, interior design, or design related companies. for small businesses. Networking and training can also Instead they have other choices. One of the choices is be received from Saudi Arabian women entrepreneurto be a successful entrepreneur. The majority of Saudi ship such as: Young Arab Women Entrepreneurs and families do not like female members of their family to Women's Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. work in a company and mingle with men. As a result, Conclusion more young women are working towards establishing EPE is considered one of the main domains in planning their own businesses. In October 2010, the Young for the development of the national economy. EPE Business Expo was organized for women entrepre- programs contribute to life skills enhancement for neurs at the International Exhibition Center in Jeddah. individuals to expand their experiences and prepare Expos are the best place to find new clients or custom- them for the labour market. On the institutional level, ers and to promote innovative ideas and products. EPE contributes to promoting creativity, innovation More than 300 Saudi entrepreneurs displayed their and productivity, and supports the competitiveness products and services. Many of them carried the and improves the working environment, in addition to motto of “All roads lead to success” self-employment that achieves economic growth and 16