The Feral Magazine #07 | Page 3

Intro ...

Any lover of books or magazines will immediately recognise that after 6 Issue ’ s “ The Feral ” is neither .
This “ Mook ”, if you will , has set a new record for the most consecutive issues of a mook . Really look it up . You won ’ t find a mook anywhere else that has released so many issues .
So , to celebrate that fact we visit a South African location that is synonymous with Feral . Literally looking up a synonym for Feral in the dictionary will reveal the word “ wild .” Meaning that only the Wild Coast could supply the two things we love most . Anything Feral , and anything coastal .
In this issue , we give you an insight into a team of professional fitness trainers based in Durban that explain why all surfers should try out Calisthenics .
Let ’ s begin :