The Fat Obliterator System / PDF, Book Free Download Joseph Rosa | Page 9

THE TRUTH: Because they’re crammed full of sugar, low-fat and fat-free foods are often more fattening than the original full-fat, NATURAL product! But don’t worry, because a little later, I’ll be revealing the tasty and 100% natural foods that will allow you to shave off pounds of unsightly flab, so stick around. LIE #3 Try Sugar-Free Foods The American people are now getting wise to the fact that sugar leads to weight gain, so you may have noticed lot of food manufacturers and weight loss companies are creating and selling “sugar free” foods. But of course, products without sugar taste like crap, so to make them taste sweet they use artificial sweeteners, formulated in a lab. But the problem is, artificial sweeteners like Equal, Nutrasweet and Sweet'N Low are packed full of unnatural and toxic chemicals, and have been shown to actually increase weight gain by triggering the brain to crave MORE sweet foods!!