THE FASHION IDENTITY Edition 48 | Page 7

12) A myth / misconcep- tion you wish to change on MAKE UP for men and women? Ans) Red lips. Beloved how often opposed. For example, often they are preferred in bridal makeup nude lips, slightly pinkish hue (the orange brick, so beloved horse between the years 80 and 90, tend to age much), in order to give the bride an air of pu- rity and fresh naivete. However, there are mar- riages that have red as the theme or thread, so there is acting within special red, red roses in the bouquet, red shoes, or sometimes even red wedding dress. These -in general- are cases where you can com- bine an elegant and sen- sual red lipstick can be beneficial to the final image of the bride. An- other case in which the red lipstick is very elegant and appropriate on a bride, is one in which the trick re- minders makeup 50’s, pro- vided, of course, this type of makeup is studied and coordinated with dress, hairstyle and receipt, which must have the same style. A few courses I hap- pened to hear teach that, in the evening makeup, eyes both inappropriate in- tensively make up, if it is made up of red mouth. SILVIA DOING AN EYE MAKEOVER ON ONE OF HER CLIENTS FOR A SHOOT. Well, I am not at all agree, because there is no reason to create two points on the face on which to attract atten- tion, enhancing both eyes (the seduction of the soul through the eyes) and the lips (sym- bol of sensuality defini- tion). The limit is set by the vulgarity, which must be avoided.