THE FASHION IDENTITY Edition 46 | Page 6

Skin & Hair 7) In the past decade, which technological inno- vation in the dermatology sector do you consider the most beneficial? Ans) The expansion of soft tissue fillers and neuromod- ulators has been incredibly beneficial in helping derma- tologists improve our pa- tients' appearance without surgery. The more we do the more we find methods of delivering the products in ways that are natural and beautiful and that not only make our pateints look bet- ter now but that have lasting effects to help them look better for years to come. I look at patients in their 30's and think about where they will be in their 40's and up and I plan for that. 8) A skin treatment that you would love to intro- duce to the masses,which is really beneficial,yet not very wel l known and pop- ular? Ans) Microneedling com- bined with radiofrequency has been a great tool to help me treat acne scarring as well as skin aging. I often add in with PRP, and treat with neuromodulators and fillers to give flawless smooth and beautifully con- toured skin. I would love for people to better understand that small steps over time are better than doing a lot at once. It's a global approach of using a combination of skin care, devices, neuro- modulators and fillers to help you always look great without anyone knowing what you've done. 9) The happiest and the most memorable moment in your such a successful career would be? Ans) This really happens on a daily basis when a pa- tient looks in the mirror after a treatment, smiles and says "wow!" 10) The greatest learning from your years of prac- tice and being into this profession,that you would love to pass on to the fu- ture aspiring dermatolo- gists who admire you? Ans) Love what you do, al- ways work to be your best every day, never comp- -are yourself to anyo- -ne else and never give up on what you want to acheive.You can do it!