The Fashion Identity Edition:43
You need to find a happy place and embrace the pain.Eat
well and bring snacks, have zinc tablets regularly before
your appointment, there are also pain relief creams and
sprays on the market, buy them yourself and seek ad-
vice from your tattooist.- ---- KELLY MANNING
9) An important change
that you would like to
see or bring in the in-
Ans) I would like to see
regulations within the in-
dustry. In Australia some
states are trying to fight
crime amongst bikie
groups through the tattoo
industry. There are many
tattoo parlours that are still
under the control on bikies
where money and drugs
are laundered and sold.
Many tattooists are trades
people and work ligita-
mately yet mostly un regu-
lated. I would like to see
infection control qualifica-
tions nation wide. I would
also like to see the tattoo
industry and apprentice-
ship recognized at as lig-
itimite trade with workers
rights and job network
support. design, architecture, na-
ture I love so many visual
artists’ work which I will
collage into my work. I am
inspired by the body and
anatomy, strong women
and portraying them. I am
inspired by discovering
new frontiers within tattoo-
ing. I am not a purist. Un-
like visual arts I am not
tied into one particular
subject. Its fun to just
draw what ever I like and
hope someone wants it.
10) Your inspiration in
your profession.?
Ans) Everything inspire
me. I generally don’t look
to other tattooist’s work,
only when researching
technique. Ordinarily I
don’t limit myself.I love 14) A word of motivation
to all our readers for
"Tattoos and Piercings"
Ans) Research tattoo
artists, spend the time
finding the one suited to
your needs, and don’t try
and get a cheap deal, tat-
toos are forever.
11) A celeb on whom
you would love to ink
Ans) Vivienne Westwood.
I would love to spend an
hour or ten with her to dis-
cuss design, inspiration
and a climate revolution.
I’d also be intrigued to see
what she would want as a