THE FASHION IDENTITY Edition 43 | Page 18

Fitness While working out or put- ting dedication for any ac- tivity that would enhance your lifestyle,make sure to have Enagae Fitness acti- vated in your phones.You will be rewarded. When you are walking or jogging or running the treadmill even,make sure to have google fit,Health Kit or S Health for tracking your steps.The data,there will automatically be inte- grated to your Enagae Fit- ness Profile Points. There are is a lot more to Enage Fitness than just making points by walking or running or jogging. There is a section dedi- cated to events that con- tribute to a good lifestyle enhancement of a person. At Events and Check in you will get to know about all the worl related or health related events hap- pening around you.You get reminders for attending the events.When you attend such events related to en- hancing your Lifestyle you will get rewarded. You may also enter manual activities like yoga, dancing, zumba, gymming, etc.Through research and under- standing different ac- tivities, each manual activity fetches differ- ent steps and each step earns points for the user, which can be redeemed for fitness rewards.So there you are,provided with a flexibility and spectrum of options to keeping The History section in the APP yourself fit everyday! helps you keep a track of the dedication you have shown for enhancing your Lifestyle and Fitness.Get motivated by track- ing your health stats and sur- passing your daily goals.This will make you conscious about where you were and where you are now, after sometime having the APP inspire you to stay fit.