The Fashion Identity Edition:41
Dr Madhuri at her clinic in Mumbai
Dr Madhuri delivering a
talk in an International
These treatments
are designed and
administered de-
pending on the
signs of skin age-
ing, the economics
and time commit-
ment my patient
can give for it.
Dr Madhuri Agarwal demonstrating a Filler
Treatment at an international conference.
A treatment that one
may go to you for get-
ting the perfect glow
and perfect texture of
Ans) Glow and perfect
skin is everyone’s
dream, be it man or
woman. The most pop-
ular treatment that my
patients love doing with
us for that perfect glow
is our range of Yavana
signature medifacials
which has been de-
signed to cater to all
ages and skin types. It
is relaxes, rejuvenates
and replenishes their
skin and they love the
skin radiance it gives
them. This also lasts for
many days so it is ideal
for social events, holi-
days and your special