6) How far can YOGA con-
tribute to body building
like toning of muscles ,
six pack abs,biceps and
triceps,pelvic muscles?
Can YOGA be a substitute
to going to GYM?
Ans) There are variety of
High Intensity regimes in
Hatha Yoga for the arms,
core and legs whichs aim at
not just strengthening of the
muscles but toning as well.
There are various pelvis and
hip-opener exercises which
keeps the pelvic muscles
strong and flexible.
Ashtanga Vinayasa flow, a
rigorous yogic practice has
a series of routines which
works on building strong ab-
domen with Inversions and
arms balances for the bi-
ceps and triceps as well.
Yoga is a complete workout
of the body where you lift
your own body weight and
gain strength despite of lift-
ing external weights like you
do in the gym. However, I
cannot say it can be a sub-
stitute for the gym,as no
workout can be compared
with yoga. I respect all
forms of fitness.
7) Your
your pr
Ans) My
guru Sw
who tau
of trans
people f
ing them
shells a
9) When
stiff go
you do
Ans) I m
ing in ev
class. F
as Janu
asana a
asana h
11) Wha
train fo
mental a
health d
I would not call any stretch
painful. Its a beautiful feelin
stretch and lengthen the mu
practicing any asana.
yoga expert apurvaa