The Fashion Channel- Its All About Fashion 1 | Page 2

The Fashion Channel

The Fashion Channel ( TFC ) is a niche marketing channel . Their target market consists of women between the ages 35-54 . Since the competition increased and more and more channels focused on fashion related programs , the fashion channel had to rethink its segmentation and positioning . Their brand vision is to be the market leader and for this they required a new marketing strategy in order to retain their market position . For the channel industry , networks were increasingly evaluated on their ability to deliver specific target groups . The advertisers demanded ' delivering quality audiences '.
The Fashion Channel did not have any segmentation strategy initially . It had been a network for several years and had been buoyed by the growth that was achieved with the ' something-for-everyone ' strategy . As the new competition was attracting key viewers segments they had to come up with their distinctive capability . There was a need for marketing initiatives to improve the following : � Consumer Interest � Awareness � Perceived value
Advertising is the main source of revenue for the television channel industry . Stakeholders include , viewers , advertisers , distributors ( cable operators ). Their major competitors are Lifetime as they were attracting younger females and CNN which was delivering great number on men . TFC was facing additional competitive challenges to attract cable affiliates . TFC evaluated three scenarios in order to choose the right segment .