On the verge?
Anyone considering which verge mower
to choose could well have the decision
made for them with the new range from
Wessex International. There’s something
here to suit everyone with tractors of
100hp plus and 50hp down to 20hp. At
the top end for grounds maintenance
and agriculture the Wessex ZHE-2500
verge mower is designed for demanding
are designed to suit tractors from 50hp
and can operate between -60 and +90
degrees of horizontal both in-line or
offset outside the tractor wheelings. The
ZMTE is a general
purpose machine
featuring a hydraulic
breakaway system,
while the ZLE is a
heavy duty range
with mechanical
breakaway and a
applications where high productivity and double skin deck.
reliability are paramount. It has a working Designed specifically
width of 2.5m and will operate between for use with smaller
-60 and + 90 degrees of horizontal, while tractors from
other features include replaceable skid
20hp, the ZMEshoes, a double skin deck and heavy
125 and ZME-155
shock absorbing springs. A floating
are offset verge
A-frame allows the machine to follow
and bank mowers
ground contours which makes it perfect ideal for working
for uneven areas.
in larger gardens,
If you’re looking for versatile mowers
in 1.6m, 1.8m and 2.0m working widths
the Wesssex ZMTE and ZLE verge
mowers are offset to the right hand side
of the tractor. For working on the public
highway a left hand version, the ZMTE2000, is available. These popular flails
private estates and
They are highly
manoeuvrable and
can be used as an inline flail behind the
tractor or fully offset
to the right. With a cutting angle between Probably the best way to decide what suits
-50 and +90 of horizontal you need only a your needs is to ask Wessex to arrange
single machine to maintain verges, banks, a demonstration. Wessex International
ditches or even the side of a low hedge.
01264 345870 www.wessexintl.com