ALL-ENERGY 2015 – Getting ready to welcome you!
The plans are well advanced; hundreds of
exhibitors from home and overseas will
be there; the conference programme with
over 400 speakers is rapidly taking shape;
and it’s all-systems-go for an exciting
Giant Networking Evening. All the
component parts of All-Energy 2015, the
UK’s largest renewable and sustainable
energy exhibition and conference, are in
the industry such as finance and funding
and grid access. Importantly to readers
of Farming Express is that there will (as
ever) be a session on ‘Renewables for the
Farming Community’ (Wednesday 6 May,
16:00-17:30), organised in association
with the NFUS Renewable Development
initiative, which is facilitated by Smiths
Gore and overseen by NFU Scotland with
support from the Scottish Government
through its Scottish
Rural Development
Programme (SRDP)
funding. The
programme will
be online by early
That’s not where
relevant sessions
end – Local Energy
Economies is
being organised
by Community
Energy Scotland;
and the ‘quick
The 15th show in the annual series will
fire community energy seminar theatre’
be held Wednesday 6 - Thursday 7 May will see a host of presentations taking
in its new home, the SECC in Glasgow, place, many of which will be relevant to
having moved from Aberdeen where it
visiting farmers (also 6 May). Thursday
had a great farming following. Within
7 May sees a community energy session
the exhibition and conference All-Energy in the main conference; and additionally
covers all forms of renewable energy, and on both days there are sessions with
embraces other key component parts of appeal covering onshore wind; onsite
renewables, renewable heat, solar, all
forms of bioenergy - the list is almost
endless. These topics are reflected in
the exhibition where visitors can follow
subject-specific trails such as onshore
wind; renewable heat; solar; bioenergy
....... Farmers can expect a highly
rewarding time at the show meeting
experts face-to-face, comparing note