The Farming Express Mar1 | Page 23

Biomass Heating Does Not Have To Be Expensive Or Complicated AFS Biomass offers end-to-end solution for renewable or green energy systems to businesses, institutions and homes. From initial design and planning, right through to installation and on going maintenance, our service is truly holistic. We design, supply, install and maintain complete biomass boiler systems for commercial, domestic and district heating applications (where several buildings are heated by a single boiler). We pride ourselves on good advice, on our service, and the efficient, no nonsense installation of the right system for the job. We can provide everything you need from retro-fit systems to bespoke energy centres, from fuel stores to fuel supply. Our biomass boilers will integrate with any existing heating systems, including under floor heating, domestic hot water and with other renewables such as solar. Why Biomass? In a heating context, "Biomass" is the name given to organic material that can be used as fuel. The new generation of "multi-fuel" biomass boilers supplied by AFS are up to 96% efficient and can burn wood logs, wood pellets, wood chips, cereals and miscanthus. Biomass Energy Centre) Biomass is cheaper than fossil fuel. Wood pellets are 25-30% cheaper than heating oil and wood chip is 40-50% cheaper. (Source; Biomass Energy Centre) Buying biomass fuel locally reduces There Are Many Good Reasons for the environmental impact of transport, helps your local economy, Using Biomass Fuel Biomass is sustainable, renewable, provides local business opportunities and rural jobs. virtually carbon neutral and Excellent return on investment, offers CO2 savings of up to 96%, especially if replacing electricity, compared to heating oil. (Source; heating oil or LPG. "Thinning" - the selective harvesting of a forest's annual growth - not only provides biomass fuel, but is necessary to improve the growth rate of trees and to support biodiversity. Woodland, forestry and agriculture provide the population with leisure and recreation opportunities. Less woody biomass going to landfill means less methane and reduced CO2 emissions. Biomass ash is full of nutrients, so makes great compost for your garden. Increased mycotoxin risk from silage field aftermath the aftermath if at all possible. “Many contamination, the aim is to remove inoculant plus a chemical additive, or dairy farmers don’t like taking sheep as much air from the grass as quickly a chemical (salt) alone. The inoculant on tack, but these grazers really are as possible,” says Lauren Dimmack will improve the fermentation and the best animals for cleaning up from Alltech UK. the additional salt reduces aerobic the sward in the winter. Essentially, “Fill the clamp in layers no more than spoilage. This will help stabilise the UK dairy farmers are being advised you’ve got two options: either leave to remove aftermath from silage fields the aftermath – which means you run or run the risk of a higher mycotoxin the risk of producing poor quality challenge in the conserved forage silage – or remove it, either by they make this year. mowing it off and wasting it, or bring “The weather was very mild at the the sheep in.” back end of last year and grass was If neither option is practical, Dr still growing on many farms right Davies says many farmers will through Christmas and beyond. have to focus on excellent clamp Consequently, there’s a lot of management this year. aftermath about, which also means Mycotoxin management specialist plenty of dead material that’s likely Alltech agrees, pointing out that to contain high levels of yeasts and compaction of grass in the clamp is fungi,” says Dr Dave Davies of Silage absolutely crucial. “When clamping Solutions. silage to reduce the risk of mycotoxin Dr Davies advises farmers to remove 15cm deep at a time and compact as you go. Your target should be 750 kg of fresh material per m3 (c. 250kg DM). Unfortunately, most farms are only reaching 650 kg per m3 or less, which means too much oxygen is left with the grass, increasing the chance of aerobic spoilage and moulds, and then multiple mycotoxin contamination,” she says. Dr Davies adds that farmers with a lot of aftermath who are concerned about the risk of aerobic spoilage must use an appropriate silage additive. “Ideally use a homo-fermentative clamp,” he says. Other tips to mitigate potential mycotoxin risks when silage making: • Mow grass when it is dry • Aim for a stubble height of 7-10cm • Spread the crop immediately after mowing • Spread the sward to encourage wilting • Don’t leave a thick, dense sward – this is the perfect environment for mould