The Farming Express JUNE 4 | Page 32


New Holland launched the Dual Stream header, designed for CR and CX combines.

The header features a secondary knife system mounted on rollers at the rear, designed to cut the stubble separately and reduce the amount of material going through the combine, increasing capacity.

The company suggests that it can boost output by an average of 15 per cent, with 25 per cent possible in UK conditions.

Using a reciprocating knife originally designed to cut reedbeds, the system is said to use just 6hp, and will be available for the company’s 7.6, 9.1, 10.4 and 12.5m (25, 30, 34 and 41ft) headers in 2016.

New Holland’s combine specialist Nigel Honeyman points out that the Dual Stream should allow operators to use a wider header on the same size combine, giving extra capacity at lower cost. It can also be retrofitted to existing combines, without modification on CR models.