When you think of security for
replaced often to offer security. LED
your property you probably think of LED Floodlights Are Renowned For Flood lights are housed in very strong
reinforced entrances or alarm systems, Their Long Life and Durability
casings so they are unlikely to get
but the best way of deterring someone To put it into perspective: an LED
damaged or break.
from even trying to gain access to
floodlight can last up to 20 times
LED Lights Produce High Quality
your property is with quality LED
longer than fluorescent, incandescent Light That Keeps You Safe and
flood lighting.
and halogen lamps. Conveniently,
Protecting your farm starts with
they do not go out straight away
LED floodlights generate a
ensuring high visibility in the
either; they get dimmer slowly, giving bright, natural looking light
locations criminals would most likely you some notice that you need to
that is very much like daylight.
gain access.
buy a replacement. When you buy
This makes them extremely
In darkness walls can be climbed
a Light Rabbit LED, however, you
useful for security. LightRabbit.
over and fences and locks can be cut. can expect over 20 years lifespan
com’s floodlights come in 10, 30, 50
Modern criminals also have different from your purchase, so you won’t be and 200w versions and are the ideal
ways of gaining access to buildings
needing that replacement any time
outdoor lighting solution for security,
and offices despite the prevalence
and for those who want to save even
of high tech alarms and surveillance LED Floodlights Are Energy Efficient more electricity. Available in warm
and Environmentally Friendly
white, cool white and RGB colour
With effective LED lighting keeping Because they do not need to be
changing, these LED floodlights
your property well illuminated in now changed as frequently as traditional
have a 120 degree wide beam angle.
an affordable option, criminals will
light bulbs, LED light bulbs produce Installing ten 50 watt lamps on
think twice before they try and gain less hazardous waste. As far as
your property will reap a saving of
access to what you hold dear.
energy efficiency is concerned, LEDs £1752.00 per year, based on the lights
LEDs were first developed for
from LightRabbit.com use 90%
running for eight hours a day. We
applications that required high
less electricity than conventional
also offer units with PIR sensors are
visibility like illuminated signs,
lamps while operating at the same
even more energy efficient as the light
traffic lights and billboards. But
wattage output.
only comes on when the sensor is
recent developments in LED lighting You Do Not Lose Any Power to Heat activated.
technology have seen massive
The energy and cost savings LED
strides taken with regard to LED’s
As we all know, standard light bulbs lighting has to offer is not restricted
ability to project light and making it lose a lot of their energy through heat, to outdoor lighting. Our range of
more popular for flood lighting.
and a lot of power is wasted. LED
products offer a direct replacement
As LED technology’s capacity to
floodlights actually conserve
solution for all of your commercial
throw light has just got better, it
electricity however. And, because they lighting needs.
has replaced archaic alternatives
do not cause the ambient temperatures Creating healthier, safer
that make use of metal halide, high
to rise, they can be used safely in cold environments.
pressure sodium and mercury vapour. storage warehouses.
Better light quality means increased
Modern LED flood lights provide
There Is Minimal Maintenance
comfort. When people feel better they
the same light output as these more
Regular sodium floodlights use
work better, which means increased
toxic options, at a fraction of the cost a significantly higher amount of
productivity, so everyone’s happy.
and energy required to power older
electricity to operate. They are also
And when you have no room for
lights. Some LED flood lighting
subject to the natural forces such as
error, you’ll appreciate the health and
reduces energy requirements by as
high winds, extreme temperatures,
safety benefits of lighting solutions
much as 90%, which makes a major sun and rain. Cracking and damage
that provide uniform light, no dark
difference to your electricity bill every is common, and they need to be
patches and good colour rendering.
Employees and customers will feel
better too, boosting productivity or
smooth flow through your space.
LED Highbay – The Best Solution in
Industrial and Warehouse Buildings
High bay environments are somewhat
unique in the world of industrial