Page 8. Farming Express
Export of its ground-breaking Secure
being translated into significant sales
Covers product range into varied
agricultural markets around the world
particularly for Secure Covers. The
diversity of use for our product never
is underpinning significant growth for
ceases to amaze us, with our expertise
Shropshire-based Thomas and Fontaine
Limited (TFL).
being drawn upon from a 5,000 cow
unit in Sumatra to large scale custom
The company, which has developed its
pioneering silage clamp covers over the
applications in California, for example.
Where there are feedstuffs to protect
last 15 years, is predicting around 40% of or ensile, there is demand for Secure
its £2.5 million 2014/15 turnover will be
from exports, with overall year-on-year
The Secure Covers concept pioneered
growth expected to reach 30%.
In addition to its established Secure
the idea of a tyre-free, rapid and resilient
cover for silage clamps. The concept is
Covers range, TFL has over the last five
now applied not only to all forage crops,
years diversified with the development
of its Secure Windbreak products and
but is also applied to straw, baled silage
and hay, and has value outside agriculture
has further innovative applications in
the pipeline. Continued demand both at
protecting salt stacks, soil piles and even
landfill sites.
home and abroad for the established and Further information from:
Andrew Fontaine
new product lines is forecast to &W7V