The Farming Express August 4 | Page 55

ARTIS Launches new e-learning subscription service

A subscription-based e-learning platform for arable growers has been launched by ARTIS, the industry-led agricultural training initiative.

For an introductory annual subscription of £75 + VAT individual users gain online access to accredited courses in crop husbandry and new agronomy techniques as well as regulatory and economic issues. The modular courses utilise videos, podcasts, webinars, agronomy toolkits, resources for ongoing use, and practical recommendations from industry experts to enhance the learning experience, measured by interactive tests. Suitable for smartphone, tablet and computer users, BASIS and NRoSO CPD points are available on completion of each course.

The online platform at has, until now, been available as a free pilot programme, with over 1,000 participants over the first six months. This has given the ARTIS team invaluable feedback into user learning preferences allowing fine-tuning of the overall package. With courses on wheat disease identification, cover crops and black-grass management already available future courses include technology in farming, wheat variety management, wheat fungicide programme planning, EU legislation, and grass weed identification.

ARTIS technical lead Bill Clark explains that e-learning is a proven, easy to use and effective method of building on and improving existing knowledge, with users able to study in their own time and at their own pace, without the need to travel.

“We call it lifelong learning. The emphasis is on providing practical information which can be immediately applied on-farm, focused on topics that impact on current and future crop production. Already used by high performing businesses ARTIS e-learning is always structured around clear learning outcomes with the opportunity to review and consolidate the knowledge and skills gained through self-assessment.”

The new subscription service has no limits to the number of times a programme can be accessed, particularly the topic-specific toolkits. “The current ‘Beating black-grass’ course includes exclusive access to an innovative new black-grass management tool to help arable growers develop the most appropriate control strategy for their farm. Developed by NIAB TAG’s John Cussans and TAG-Consulting’s Chris Winney, users can test the effectiveness of their management strategy to optimise gross margins as well as control the black-grass population over the rotation. The online tool has been designed so that users can appreciate the impact of a six year period of black-grass management decisions across their farm with users able to claim four BASIS and four NRoSO points on completion,” highlights Mr Clark.

To sign up to the ARTIS e-learning platform, and to check the new Autumn 2015 field and classroom training programme, go to