The Farmers Mart Spring 2017 - Issue 50 | Page 11

Huw Rowlands THE NATURAL CHOICE Rural Accommodations is a specialist provider of log cabins and timber chalets, supplying a diverse range of customers for many applications and a comprehensive choice of log cabins. We have 30 heifers grazing in the sand dunes near Southport and our Red Polls will be in Lancashire for the foreseeable future because the trust needs cattle for conservation grazing. It’s free grazing for them and also solves part of the problem I have in a lack of winter housing for my cattle.” The Grange is also LEAF Marque accredited. LEAF (Linking Farming and the Environment) is a charity which supports sustainable agriculture and works to reconnect people with farms and food production. Huw said; “LEAF made more sense for us than going organic. We would have had to stop using treated sewage cake as a fertiliser, which is the ultimate form of recycling, and our animals would have had to travel a lot further for slaughter, so we’d end up having to charge more for lower quality beef.” The farm has established 20 acres of poplar tree plantations and these trees will eventually be used for making items such as shop counters and kitchen workshops. This is a joint venture with the Poplar Tree Company from Lulham in Herefordshire. Huw said: “We have two acres of wet alder woodland providing a local resource for the production of charcoal. We have also restored about three miles of hedgerows, which are important wildlife corridors.” Coppiced willow from trees growing on the property has even provided food for the giraffes at Chester Zoo. Huw added: “Our slogan is ‘Farming with Wildlife that’s Better by Nature’.” Today, the farm is not only economically stable again, it is also a destination for school classes and visitors of all ages. The milking parlour has been converted into a classroom and groups of up to 30 come to see how the farm works. Huw said: “I’ll take them for a guided farm walk, show them a bit of everything - I had 23 primary school kids plus teachers here recently. It’s rewarding and good fun.” The farm also takes part in Open Farm Sunday every year. » » TRADING FOR OVER 20 years in the log cabin industry, this is a family business which recognises the tremendous growth in outdoor leisure both in the home garden and within rural holiday settings. Rural Accommodations understands the needs of its customers and the customers have direct contact with the owners, Sue and Dave, as well as the team of craftspeople who are handpicked for every project. Specialist assistance in the development of projects such as farm diversification often begins with the idea itself and Rural Accommodations are always happy to be involved. ‘customers have direct contact with the owners’ Pricing is always competitive but never as through compromise. Listening to and working with customers makes Rural Accommodations the natural choice. Log Cabin World Holiday Homes Home & Leisure Mobile H