The Farmers Mart Oct-Nov 2019 - Issue 65 | Page 9

FARM NEWS 9 • OCT/NOV 2019 HANDS FREE HECTARE BROADENS OUT TO 35-HECTARE FARM THE Hands-Free Hectare (HFHa), a project run by Harper Adams University and Precision Decisions, a Map of Ag company, has received funding from Innovate UK to create a ‘Hands Free Farm’. HFHa started in 2016 with the aim to be the first in the world to grow, tend and harvest a crop without operators in the driving seats or agronomists on the ground. The project has been taken through two successful cropping cycles and won several awards; including the prestigious BBC Food and Farming Future Food Award. The new Hands-Free Farm will be a three-year-long project, run 69945 - BelmontRegencyLtd - HALF.pdf 1 in partnership between Harper Adams and Precision Decisions, along with a new partner; the UK division of Australian precision agri- culture specialist Farmscan AG. 04/04/2018 14:29:21 The project has just got underway and is based at the university’s campus in Shropshire. The Agricultural Engineering Precision Innovation Centre (Agri-Epi Centre) are providing the team with devel- opment space and project management support at their Midlands Agri-Tech Innovation Hub, which is also located on the university’s campus. Jonathan Gill, Mechatronics Researcher at the university said: “This time, we’re planning to grow three different combinable crops across 35 hectares. “We’re moving past the feasi- bility study which the hectare provided us with, to now a vision of the future of farming.” Kit Franklin, Senior Agricultural Engineering Lecturer, said: “We want the farm to become a testbed for agricultural innovation. Once the farm’s established, we’ll be encouraging companies to come and test and evaluate their technologies.” Additional elements to the project include: Professor James Lowenberg-DeBoer, the Elizabeth Creak Chair of Agri-Tech Economics at Harper Adams, conducting an eco- nomic outputs study in relation to the project; and in the final year of the project, alongside being run at the university, the system will be evaluated by partner farmer David Blacker. The team are supported by the same consortium of in-kind sponsors as HFHa along with welcoming a number of new organisations. FARM Sample Comprehensive Premiums from: Pickups, vans and lorries can be added to fleet policies If you want us to search for the most competitive rates, contact us for a quotation – Hundreds of Farmers have benefited from savings. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Value: £7,000 On Fleet: £122.52 Value: £15,000 On Fleet: £231.18 Trailers and implements included cover @BelmontRegency from: £175.00 Comprehensive FINANCIAL ADVICE Our advisers can provide advice on all the services shown below Leek Farmer reduced premiums from £1,357 to £941 Chester Farmer reduced premiums from £5,100 to £3,812 Address: Victoria House, 24-28 St Peter’s Churchyard, Derby, Derbyshire DE1 1NN ::   MOTOR : : TRACTORS THE FARMER’S INSURANCE BROKER SINCE 1982 T H E FA R M E R ’ S I N S U R A N C E B R O K E R Since 1982 t: (01332) 362367 e: [email protected] Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority @BelmontRegency