The Farmers Mart Oct-Nov 2019 - Issue 65 | Page 32

32 NORTH DALE FARM OCT/NOV 2019 • SUPPLYING AGRONOMY ADVICE & CROP PROTECTION PRODUCTS THROUGHOUT NORTH & EAST YORKSHIRE. T: 01944 738 739 E: [email protected] Glebe Farm, Helperthorpe Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 8TQ PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH RICHARD JACKSON OF NORTH DALE FARM FARMING NEAR THE COAST FOR GENERATIONS OF JACKSONS Chris Berry talks with Richard Jackson of North Dale Farm. BRIDLINGTON may not be considered a hotbed of farming but, journey up the coast a mile or two towards Filey and Scarborough and check out the amount of agricultural activity that takes place close by. Grindale is a village that had a popu- lation of just 98 at the 2001 census and in the census of 2011 it was lumped in with Boynton which upped its number to 229, but Grindale remains about the same in number as 18 years ago and as nearly 200 years ago when its population was 107. One family that has kept up the numbers is the Jackson family who have farmed at North Dale Farm, situated between the village and the coast road, since the 1880s. Richard took over from his father Edward and Richard’s son Thomas is on the farm with Richard today. ‘We go back generations,’ says Richard, who has stewarded at the Great Yorkshire Show for the past 40 years and is the current chairman of Driffield Show, a C & I WADE LTD Agricultural Contractors Offering a full range of agricultural contracting services:  Drilling  Combining  Cultivations  Cultipressing  Spraying  Raking It is a pleasure working with Richard Jackson to fulfil his agricultural needs.  Grass Mowing  Ploughing  Bale wrapping  Big square/ round Bailing  Muckspreading and Hire  Haylage for sale Contact Ian Wade 07779 052 748 Find us on Facebook: C & I Wade Ltd position he has now held since 2018. My great grandfather William came here. He was followed on by my grandfather Donald who was a noted breeder of Leicester Longwool sheep and then my father. Every one of us carries the name of my great grandfather as our second name.’ North Dale runs to 450 acres and is a mixed operation of arable land, cattle and sheep. ‘We grow 300 acres of cereals. It’s a mix of winter wheat, winter and spring barley and 18 acres of spring oats that we grew this year as a break along with grass. Our wheats grown in 2019 were Basset and Elicit and our winter barley was malting variety Pearl which we’ve grown for a number of years. It suits our land. Spring barley vari- eties were Waggon for feed and Propino for malting. From the grass we make silage for our cattle. We aim for around 4 tonnes per acre for wheat and we are usually around that mark.’