The Farmers Mart Oct-Nov 2019 - Issue 65 | Page 21

NORTH MOOR FARM 21 • OCT/NOV 2019 SELBY LIVESTOCK AUCTION MART LTD “YORKSHIRE’S FRIENDLY LIVESTOCK MART” Weekly Sales of Fatstock - Wednesdays Pigs 9am - Sheep 9.45am - Cattle & Cows 10.30am Store Stock - Saturdays Pigs 9.15am - Sheep 9.45am - Cattle 10.45am On alternate Saturdays Fur, Feathers & Miscellaneous items at 9:30am Entries taken on the day and from 9am to 4pm on Friday prior to sale Pleased to be associated with Steven Hirstle of North Moor Farm and Hirstle Fabrications Tel: 01757 703347 Email: [email protected] Auctioneer Richard Haigh 0776 8594535 HAULAGE HAY & STRAW JOHN LUND FARMER & HAULIER Steven and the family have always been passionate farmers. I was keen to learn about the family’s farming background and more about the large fabrication shed I strolled into whilst seeking Steven’s office neatly hidden away upstairs above a moun- tain of equipment and tools and part of the large farmhouse and group of barns that comprise North Moor. Steven’s grandfather initially bought three small farms years ago which were amalga- mated into North Moor. Today they own 88 acres and rent 75. His grandfather passed the farm to Steven’s father and his brother who then ran it as a partnership. Initially North Moor was a dairy farm with a thriving milk round. Back in the day, there were thirteen milk rounds in the Kirkheaton ‘ Steven and the family have always been passionate farmers ’ Hauliers of all HIGH QUALITY agricultural machinery, HAY & STRAW equipment & livestock. “ John & Tracy would like to thank the Hirstles for 25 years of business & are looking forward to the next 25! ” Contact John or Tracy on T: 01729 851 034 M: 07860 443 835 | E: [email protected] PROMPT & RELIABLE SERVICE, 7 DAYS A WEEK Haugh Field Farm, Coniston Cold, Skipton, BD23 4EH Sovereign Agricultural Services Ltd Sovereign have the complete VALTRA range backed up by first class service Full range of parts and accessories available Contact us for a test drive and to discuss your requirements Call 01484 603682 Pleased to be associated with Steven Hirstle at North Moor Farm and Hirstle Fabrications Woolrow Lane, Shelley, Huddersfield, HD8 8LW Main Dealer for West & South Yorkshire | email: [email protected]