The Farmers Mart Oct-Nov 2018 - Issue 59 | Page 39

R.D. ANDERSON 39 • OCT/NOV 2018 NFU MUTUAL NORTH RIDING IS PROUD TO SUPPORT R D ANDERSON Taking the time to offer you attentive, personal, local service for your insurance, pensions and investments. Call or pop into your nearest office. in order for today’s budding farmers of stress as possible and walks away with a tomorrow to be successful and embrace all perfect stance.“ new ideas, techniques and technologies. So, committed to the experience the An- Tom in the true tradition of all Farmers imal has, as well as his own personal safety like to pack as much in as possible and has he has worked closely with JT Universal already started his own personal flock of who manufacture his crush’s, to continually sheep starting off by buying 20 mules, then refine and enhance each new crush he has 30, then 40 selling them on as shearlings. made. So now coming back to the Hoof Trim- That is not to say that down the years ming side. After working for 17 years and he hasn’t suffered the odd clout from a 80 hours a week Richard really fancied grumpy Bull or Cow often on route to the a change. He had the chance to buy the crush. hoof trimming business which was at the A lot of Farmers are now realising the time was operating at a much lower level benefits of having Richard along regularly than it is now. Richard already had a strong to maintain Herds and keep them in tip top working knowledge and experience of the condition rather than waiting until there is business, so picking up the finer points was a problem. This does have long term costs, something that came easily. but contented, well animals produce better I asked Richard how in today’s compet- and more meat and milk. itive market place, how has he has been We talked about the future and really able to build the business up single handed Richard is keen to keep things as they to a situation where he works virtually at are,the same high level of service and capacity doing some 30,000 miles a year number of customers whilst still achieving covering from Leyburn to Appleby to strong sales and show results with his own Driffield to Skipton to Whitby and Scarbor- herd. He would like Tom to join him full time ough. however I think at this point in time he has “The Key” – he said- “Is to do it right not his sights set on a large flock of sheep and fast. If you don’t get it right the animal will continuing showing, although he did say he suffer, and the farmer won’t use you again” would like to take on the Freeze Branding So Richard has done up to 90 animals in a side of the business which continues to day, however when faced with herds full of grow and grow. challenges, ailments and wild stock it can Whichever way Richard and Tom go this be as little as 30.“ The pleasure” Richard will remain a very strong successful Father said, “ is ensuring the animal suffers as little and Son team for years to come. 75954 - RiponFarmServices - 8TH.pdf 1 20/09/2018 10:04:08 Leyburn Unit 3a Herriot Court, Leyburn Business Park Harmby Road, Leyburn, DL8 5QA Tel: 01969 625593 | Email: [email protected] Northallerton 3 Thornfield Business Park, Standard Way Northallerton DL6 2XQ Tel: 01609 776433 | Email: [email protected] Stokesley 23 College Square, Stokesley North Yorkshire TS9 5DW Tel: 01642 710218 | Email: [email protected] Agents of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited. JT JT Universal Specialising in Agricultural Engineering and custom built, award winning cattle crushes and bale handlers C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Wishing Richard Anderson continued success for the future Email us at [email protected] or speak to John on 07715 078253