The Farmers Mart Oct/Nov 2015 - Issue 42 | Page 11
The Hawthornes
They are now moving more and
more in bulk trucks which can
annoy the locals sometimes but
nowhere near as much as slowmoving, wide tractors!
As referred to earlier, the
fluctuating wheat price can easily
hurt them badly and without
farming subsidy, profitability
would be much more difficult to
attain. Although Tom believes
that if subsidy were to be
removed, in his view it would
force many farmers to farm better.
Many successful farms have all
diversified in one way or another,
so they have steadier and better
income, from recycling council
green waste, opening Farm
Shops to growing Miscanthus
for the energy industry - or as
the Hawthorne’s have done, to
become growers of crops for
supplying Anaerobic Digestion
plants. This has really grown
considerably as they now supply
enough to AD plants to generate
gas for 9,000 houses in winter.
Tom and John make a
very strong team: Tom is the
passionate innovator always
coming up with new ideas for
efficiency and growing the
business while John keeps
Tom’s feet firmly on the ground
by attending to the important
As to the future, their
wish is to grow the business
organically, acquiring more
land at the right price; and
have less and less cultivation,
more direct drilling as well
as keeping field costs down
and looking for more diversity
Tom said: “Above all, it’s
a case of constantly looking
at the bigger picture, making
money but not being busy
He has recently married and
says he is now hopeful of the
next generation of enterprising
Hawthorne’s coming along in
the not too distant future.
Pleased to do business with Tom and John Hawthorne
Email: [email protected]
Marr, Doncaster
Brigg, North Lincs.
Market Weighton
Newark, Notts.
Tel: 01302 786786
Tel: 01652 654944
Tel: 01430 875900
Tel: 01636 671628 Oct/Nov 2015 11