The Farmers Mart Oct/Nov 2013 - Issue 30 | Page 35
Paul harrison
have been caught by the 60
day rule and that would have
meant we couldn’t show at the
Great Yorkshire. That put off
a number of northern entrants
from going south.”
Restrictions have also
led to South Devon cattle
increasingly being sourced in
the north for northern farmers
in order to avoid any form of
“It is the males that are
more of a worry. I don’t mind
using AI but to get different
bloodlines for your sires is
becoming more problematic.”
Paul and Pam intend to
maintain what they have
achieved with the quality
of their herd and carry on
breeding replacements. And
next year they will be attending
the National South Devon
Show as well as the Great
Yorkshire, because that’s where
it is due to be held. So it could
yet be an even better year!
The South Devon
Herdbook Society was
established in 1891. The
breed is renowned for its
strong maternal and beef
‘next year they will be attending
the National South Devon
Show as well as the Great
Yorkshire ... So it could yet
be an even better year!’
[email protected]
01845 523165
Furniture & Collectable sales
Fur & Feather & Collective sales
Breeding & Store sale
Tuesday fortnightly
Entries day before sale 10am – 3pm
Sale Box lots & electricles 4pm, collectables 5.30pm,
furniture 6pm (2 auctioneers)
Every alternative Tuesday
Sheep at 12 Noon and Cattle at 1.30pm.
1st Saturday of the month,
Collective entries Friday before sale 8am-4pm.
Fur & Feather entries on day
7am-9am. Sale starts @ 10am
Every Thursday,
Pigs at 9am, sheep at 9.30am and cattle at 12.30pm ???YH?X??]H??]Z[??]\?[??X?X[?[\???\????\?Y\??]X?[?X\?\????\?[?\?[?\???[??K?Z?^H[?K\???S??????S?HU?T???UP?S?PT???'S???T?x?&T???QS?HU?T????PT?8?'B??YZ?H?[\???]????H?Y?\?^\?Y??X[HH?Y\K?
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