The Farmers Mart Oct/Nov 2013 - Issue 30 | Page 23
Environmental activists who want
to see a lifting of the European
Union ban on feeding kitchen and
catering waste to pigs may be
sending confusing signals to hobby
pig-keepers, warns the National Pig
NPA’s newly-launched Don’t Kill Me With
Kindness campaign explains that feeding
kitchen and catering waste carries a
penalty of up to two years in jail because
it risks introducing costly and damaging
disease epidemics to Britain.
Don’t do it, urges NPA. You wouldn’t
want to be the person who is blamed for a
new epidemic.
The 2001 foot-and-mouth epidemic was
caused by feeding inadequately treated
catering waste to pigs. It took nine months
to bring under control, during which time
10 million pigs, sheep and cattle were
slaughtered, and it cost the country £8
billion. In Britain and throughout the
European Union it is illegal to feed raw or
cooked catering waste to pigs, including
waste from household kitchens.
It is permissible to feed pigs fruit and
vegetables direct from the garden or
allotment, but feeding waste from the
kitchen is illegal — even raw or cooked leftover vegetables, as these may have come
into contact with raw or cooked meats.
NPA’s campaign invites pig-keepers and
caterers to visit NPA’s website page to get
the facts.
“Whilst NPA understands why people
may think feeding food waste makes
perfect sense, we want everyone who
keeps pigs to follow the law to the letter
because we feel that the stakes are too
high,” said NPA general manager Dr Zoe
“Rather than take unacceptable risks by
feeding catering waste to pigs, we think it
is more sensible to tackle waste further up
the chain, so that far less of it is wasted at
manufacturing, retail and household level.
If we could achieve that as a society, then
well-meaning environmentalists would not
have to worry so much about the amount
of waste food that is currently going into
Sainsbury’s ploughs £1 million
investment into British farming
Sainsbury’s is pledging £1 million
to its British farmers and growers as
part of an investment in the future of
British farming.
The Sainsbury’s 2013 Research
and Development Grant, launched in
September, calls for long term sustainable
solutions to improve UK livestock,
aquaculture, horticulture and agronomy
practices and processes. The grants,
To read more, visit
which are open to over 2,000 farmers
and growers with whom the retailer
works across the UK, come at a time
when growing conditions and prices have
become more volatile.
Applications opened on Wednesday
4 September and closed at Friday 18
October 2013, with awarded projects
to be announced at Sainsbury’s
annual farming conference on Friday 6
Judith Batchelar, Director of Sainsbury’s
Brand said: “Following the initial success
of the R&D grants we awarded last year
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