The Farmers Mart Jun-Jul 2019 - Issue 63 | Page 11

FARM NEWS 11 • JUN/JUL 2019 Agricultural Diesel Fuel Additives – How Application Can Assist FUEL ‘LUBRICITY’: a lubricity agent which efficient- ly replenishes the fuel with the necessary lubrication properties lacking in today’s Diesel fuel. Application of AMAC MP POWER PLUS assures a marked reduction in wear and potential damage to fuel pumps and injectors. Ongoing adjustments made to the specification of Diesel fuels over the past few years, in the name of reducing harmful emis- sions, has resulted in Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) fuel being the principal fuel available to the Agricultural and Forestry sectors. Previously, the sulphur content present in Diesel fuels provided valuable ‘lubricity’ characteris- tics, bringing protection against excessive wear to fuel pumps and injectors. However, the refinery process involved in producing today’s ULSD makes for a ‘drier’ fuel, lacking the essential lubricity characteristics which are vital to prolonging component shelf life. CLEARWINNER AMAC MP POWER PLUS Diesel treatment (treatment rate: 1 litre AMAC MP POWER PLUS to 1,500 litres of fuel) possesses COMMON RAIL INJECTION: Given the sensitivity (and expense) of today’s common rail injection systems and the pres- sure they operate under, any kind of contaminant present in the fuel may cause problems to the ‘ a marked reduction in wear and potential damage to fuel pumps and injectors ’ engine’s operation and worse, damage to injectors. Water (condensation, usually) is the most common contaminant present in fuel and fuel storage tanks and AMAC MP POWER PLUS’s water dispersant characteristics provides vital protection to com- mon rail systems against water related damage. Application of CLEARWINNER AMAC MP POWER PLUS also brings the following benefits: • Cleans injectors, maintain- ing optimum fuel ‘burn’ and efficiency. • Increases the fuel’s Cetane rating: improving power out- put and cold starting. • Stabilises fuel in long term storage (e.g. seasonal machin- ery: combine harvesters). Landline: +44 (0) 1937 843819 FUEL ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY CLEARWINNER AMAC MP POWER PLUS An Agri-Gas Oil fuel treatment designed for application to all agricultural, forestry, plant and construction machinery. Treatment rate: 1 litre AM-AC MP to 1,500 litres Diesel fuel. BENEFITS OF APPLYING AMAC MP POWER PLUS TO GAS OIL • Increases Diesel fuel’s Cetane Index number, boosting power output • Reduces fuel consumption • Protects injectors and fuel pumps from excessive wear and damage • Cleanses injectors, ensuring optimum fuel atomisation • Stabilises Diesel fuel held in long term storage (i.e. seasonal machinery: combine harvesters) • May be applied directly to machinery fuel tanks, as well as main storage tanks • Mixes easily with the fuel Landline: +44 (0) 1937 843819 Mobile: +44 (0) 7595 221498