The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2022 - Issue 79 | Page 76

76 FARMSTAR LTD FEB / MAR 2022 • farmers-mart . co . uk
76 FARMSTAR LTD FEB / MAR 2022 • farmers-mart . co . uk

New ThirtyPlus 7 Series Application Equipment for 2021 Season

THE launch of the new ThirtyPlus 7 Series bale management systems for all types of baler . The 7 Series builds on the precision and functionality of the previous 600 Series while reducing the overall capital cost of a system . Your baler can be equipped with the ThirtyPlus technology what ever the age or type of baler
The 7 Series is modular based plug and go system to make building your bale management system work for you with the ability to upgrade when required .
Module 1 is the H2O precision moisture sensor and is the building block for additional 7 Series modules . Accurate measurement of moisture is key to understanding further improvements in the management of your baling operation . The H2O moisture sensor with its 24 years of infield experience now comes as a
heavy-duty assembly suitable for the latest generation of high density large square balers .
In addition , when operated with the application system the external baler speed proximity sensors have been replaced by an internal encoder . This removes the risk of stone , twine or other debris causing damage . The technology used to read moisture is market leading +/ - 1 % accuracy with zero calibration requirements in different crop types or density . The twin star wheels measure by pulsing an electrical signal through the entire bale flake profile . This enables it to be the market leader in accuracy . Why should a baler operator accept data
that is less accurate from a rub pad or moisture probe ? With the twin star wheel system , the operator can have full confidence in the data produced .
In the near future a second generation RFID bale tagging system will complement module 2 , wet bale marker that provides a simple low-cost option to highlight bales that exceed the operators defined moisture limit . The bales can be sprayed with a concentrated red or blue food grade colour . Marking the high moisture bales allows the bales to be separated at the stacking point so that the number of waste or poor-quality bales are reduced . If you stack
untreated high moisture bales with dry bales moisture migrates and causes the dry bales to suffer damage and reduce their value . Module 3 is the automatic variable rate applicator which is suitable for all large square balers . The new 7 Series is approximately a 20 % saving in capital cost . The H2O moisture sensor is included with the 7 Series applicator so as an operator you can bale with confidence that the moisture data is correct and that the system will apply the recommended ThirtyPlus pH6.0 buffered acid at the required rate as moisture or baling speed changes .
ThirtyPlus pH6.0 buffered acid . This is an integral part to assist in the baling of high moisture hay and straw when the weather is fighting you all the way to the barn . Operators regularly comment that they can start baling earlier and bale later into the evening . This added benefit of more baling time opens the weather window getting the baler closer to the combine in straw and also assists in greener safe hay with a potential reduction in tedder passes .

Prescison moisture sensors Bale management solutions Manual & Automatic applicators

600 series - RRP £ 10,755 New 7 Series - RRP 8,617