The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2022 - Issue 79 | Page 22

22 RIPON FARM SERVICES FEB / MAR 2022 • farmers-mart . co . uk
22 RIPON FARM SERVICES FEB / MAR 2022 • farmers-mart . co . uk


Benefit from our new technology for mechanical weed control and reduce weed pressure in the field . The SEED TERMINATOR destroys weed seeds during combine harvesting . The TOP CUT collect removes weed seeds that grow higher than your crop .
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Mechanical Weed Control Rethought

ON display for the first time at the Ripon Farm Services Show was the Zürn Top Cut Collect .
Especially intensive farming can lead to weeds developing resistances against herbicides .
Common methods are no longer effective and many chemicals lost their acceptance in society .
With this background , Zürn Harvesting developed an entirely new approach for mechanical weed control .
The Top Cut Collect is an intelligent combination of two tasks : Cutting the weed tops above the crops and collecting this material which contains the weed seeds .
Hygiene in the field is improved sustainably by reducing the weed seed bank in the soil .
This new implement is tractor-drawn with its own axle . The technological concept consists of two booms with a double-cut system and a cross conveyor belt behind .
A helix-shaped reel gently pushes the weeds from the knife section to the conveyor belt to avoid any losses at this critical point .
To get the dangerous load safely into the bin , another conveyor belt collects the material centrally .
Currently , the Top Cut Collect is available with 9 and 12 m working widths .
The Top Cut Collect is especially strong when fighting resistant grass weeds like black grass , wild oats or ryegrass .



In conjunction with Fuel Additive Science Technologies , exocet ® Ripon Farm Services have launched two premium fuel additives .
Ripon Farm Services Diesel Fuel Conditioner
• Prevents agglomeration of biodiesel particles that cause filter blocking
• Increases fuel cetane number
• Maintains injector cleanliness and prevents corrosion
• Stabilises fuel for longer storage
• Increase in fuel lubricity
• Prevents micro-biological growth in a clean system
• Promotes water-fuel separation to prevent water carryover to the engine
• Fuel economy benefit if used in conjunction with Diesel Power Restorer
Restricted to professional users
Up to

4 %

Reduction in fuel consumption
Up to

3.5 %

Reduction in Co2 emission
exocet ®/ Ripon Farm Services Diesel Power Restorer
Ripon / Exocet ® Diesel Power Restorer is a specially formulated fuel additive designed to break down and disperse hard and soft particulate matter and internal diesel injector deposits ( IDID ) to bring fuel flow and engine power back to optimum levels quickly .
• An online , concentrated injector cleaner for use at service intervals
• Restores power that can be lost in modern diesel engines
• Problems resolved with minimal downtime
• Works within one tankful of fuel
• Fuel economy benefit if used in conjunction with Diesel Fuel Conditioner
Up to

75 % Reduction in hydrocarbon emission

Up to

35 % Reduction in carbon monoxide ( Co ) emission

Environmental Benefits
The supporting data for Diesel Fuel Conditioner and Diesel Power Restorer in respect of engine performance and emissions
sions quality is comprehensive and independently verified across a large range of operating conditions and geographies , including numerous fuel blends and types . It demonstrates without t question that with consistent use of the products :
• Fuel economy is enhanced by up to 4 %
• Reduction of up to 3.5 % in Co2 emission
• NOx reduction of up to 5 %
• Injectors cleaned to “ as new ” condition after 5 fills – reduced downtime
These contribute to any current sustainability objectives .
fastexocet . co . uk
riponfarmservices . com