The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2022 - Issue 79 | Page 16

16 FARM BUILDINGS & EQUIPMENT FEB / MAR 2022 • farmers-mart . co . uk
16 FARM BUILDINGS & EQUIPMENT FEB / MAR 2022 • farmers-mart . co . uk


That ’ s ‘ sound ’ advice from Onduline

IT almost goes without saying , animal welfare is a major issue for farmers and hugely important is providing appropriate shelter . Yet the peaceful environment can be utterly shattered each time it rains if the right roofing solution isn ’ t in place .
Lightweight roofing specialist Onduline has this covered , with its bituminous corrugated sheets being up to four times quieter than a metal alternative when the weather turns nasty . Onduline roofing products have been a ‘ go to ’ solution for stable owners and those caring for animals for years .
Along with their durability , ease of fitting and eco-friendly qualities , their acoustic benefit is a key reason why they are such a favourite .
The noise generated by rain pounding on a metal roof can be extremely disturbing for any livestock within .
Compare this to the noise deadening impact of Onduline ’ s bituminous sheets and the difference is obvious .
An attractive look that fits in with rural surroundings
In fact , comparative testing commissioned by the company has shown its corrugated sheeting is around 23 decibels quieter .
Potential customers can put this to the test on an acoustic rain simulator , which has been developed to give people the opportunity to hear the evidence for themselves .
“ While the rain simulator cannot match the stringent controls required for laboratory testing , it does offer a realistic practical demonstration of the products ’ sound dampening qualities ,” explained Ardit Strica , Onduline ’ s Technical Manager .
Happy horses
Stables owner Fran Wilkinson looked to Onduline for roofing protection when developing a stable block for her family ’ s three horses and a further two on livery .
She chose the company ’ s CLASSIC roofing sheets for the 85m2 project , which nestles in the East Lothian countryside .
The block is designed in an ‘ L ’
Onduline Classic , for large agricultural buildings
shape and contains four stables , a wash bay , a tack room and a hay stable .
Fran said : “ When it came to designing the new stables , I was keen to have something that was not only practical and durable , but that looked beautiful too . Having something that blended in with the loveliness of our surrounding area was the key goal really .”
The stables were crafted by a local joiner and builder using Siberian Larch , topped with Onduline ’ s CLASSIC brown
... and for Smaller animal shelters
sheeting , providing a perfect colour match with the timber cladding and the golden sand arena .
Fran said : “ Aesthetics were an important part of this project but I also wanted something that wasn ’ t noisy . So many stables and outbuildings have metal roofing and it ’ s very frightening for the animals when it rains and all you can hear is that thunderous pounding noise .
“ You ask anyone what they put on their stables and the answer is Onduline . The end result is a truly beautiful stable – the horses are happy here , so I couldn ’ t ask for more !”
Lucky hens When the time came for volunteers at the Lucky Hens Rescue centre to build another shelter there was no question of them getting into a flutter over the choice of roofing material .
For past experience told them Onduline ’ s CLASSIC sheets , which are BBA certified and carry a 15-year guarantee , would be the perfect solution .
Since the Wigan-based centre was established in 2010 by Alison Thorpe , she and her team of volunteers have saved more then 35,000 hens from slaughter .
The not-for-profit animal sanctuary is dedicated to rehoming hens that are no longer required