The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2020 - Issue 67 | Page 50
2019 has been a big year for
Ripon Farm Services. Following
their successful acquisition of
RBM, they now have 15 depots
including their dedicated trailer
centre and the brand-new state
of the art paint and body depot
on Dallamires Lane.
The new paint and body shop
represents a huge investment
in creating this impressive
facility. All the previous paint
and body operations are now
under one roof. There are full
office facilities, reception and
customer rest area. Six state of
the art spray booths including
ones for Van, Commercials and
Agricultural equipment including
Tractors and Combines! as well
FEB/MAR 2020 •
as Motor vehicles mean, without
doubt this is one of the very best
facilities in the North of England
.An impressive team of 30 tech-
nicians all who have their own
areas of expertise means Ripon
Farm can deliver the very best of
service all round.
The Ripon Farm open event is
always well attended. This year,
the Wednesday was much busier
than normal and by late morning
the café was packed without
a free table. There is always
an abundance of bacon sand-
wiches, tea and coffee, followed
up by roast beef sandwiches and
chips and gallons of soup.
Usually on the Thursday
numbers drop a little, with a lot
of people going on Wednesday,
not so this year. Thursday was
equally busy. Now this may, in
part, be due to RFS’s expansion
following the successful take
over of the RBM group earlier in
2019. This brings the main depot
numbers up to 13, which greatly
expands the customer base.
Talking to Geoff and Dan, 2020
has been the most successful
show to date, both in numbers
of people attending and those
all-important deals done. On the
first day, a staggering 25 Bailey
trailers were sold. There were
strong leads across the board,
with many demo’s booked on
the day as well as sales.
After what has been a turbu-
lent year for agriculture, what
with Brexit and more so our
unreliable British weather, the
feedback from the Ripon team
and from conversations I had
with several farmers, was an
overwhelmingly positive atti-
tude. I think the true British spirit
shines through in these quotes
from two farmers, “Let’s just
get the job done” and “Farming
always has it challenges, you just
have to deal with ‘em”.
Well rest assured, the Ripon
Farm Services team are dedi-
cated in helping all its farmers to
do just that.
MiniMax PowerRoll MaxiRoll CultiLift CultiTrail CultiMax
• Available from 4.5m to 9.5m
• 3 section roller
• HD spring weight
transfer system
• 6 year warranty on
• Contour following
DuoFlex system
• Slug pelletor bracket option • Available from 10.3m to 18.3m
• 5 section roller
• Hydraulic weight distribution
• 6 year warranty on
• Contour following
DuoFlex system
• LED Road lights
• Pre-emergane mark option
• Slug pelletor & Advadex
bracket option • Available in 5.3m to 12.3m
• System roller with 9 different
attachment options
• Hydraulic weight distribution
• 6 year guarantee on
• More than 70 different
build options
• Wide choice of ring diameters
• 3 ring styles-Cambridge,
Crosskill & Cross-Combi • Available from 3m to 8m
• 4 rows of tines
• 400mm cage roller to rear
• Spring suspended
levelling board • Trailed cultivator 5 and 6m
• 5 rows of tines
• Hydraulic front cracker board
• Transport width 2.5m •
Celebrate 10 years of DalBo UK!
Heavy duty construction
7 rows of tines
4 pairs of depth wheels
Hydraulic front cracker board
20 prize
across t
he U
& Irelan K
If you purchase any DalBo machine from 1st January 2020 to the 30th September 2020
you will be entered into a draw to win a 3 day trip to Denmark. You’ll visit the DalBo factory,
Agromek Show and Gala Dinner, Crown Slaughter House and a local farm in January 2021.
DAL-BO UK | 12A Shepherds Close, Dunkirk, Aylsham, Norfolk | NR11 6SZ | Tel 012637 32683 | Fax 012637 32632 | E-mail [email protected] |