The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2020 - Issue 67 | Page 37

LAMMA 2020 37 • FEB/MAR 2020 “We doubled the stand space from last year. It’s important to be here as we are flying the flag for a relative unknown in the machinery market. We’ve seen a lot of interest from dealers, and end users that didn’t know the machines existed.” Andrew Bolan from loader specialist Weidemann UK, said: “It’s been a really, really suc- cessful show for us and we’ve been seeing dedicated farmers and users – the right people. Farmers do like to see and touch things and talk to real people. Next LAMMA we’d hope to at least double the stand – it’s onwards and upwards.” Grimme UK’s Adam Johnson said: “We’ve had a great show this year – absolutely brilliant. We’ve probably been busier and had a really productive time talking to drivers and key decision makers as well.” Tim Lowden of New Holland said LAMMA provided a great opportunity to show the com- pany’s new implement range. “We had some really good feedback, some good quality conversations and some serious enquiries. It’s been a good show and the mood has been gener- ally positive.” Warren Rivers-Scott from drill and cultivator manufacturer Bednar FMTsaid: “The show has been fantastic. LAMMA is our official UK launch and for a brand that is new to the UK. The support we’ve been given has been unreal. Good comments, good questions and a lot of valuable leads.” Colin McGregor who farms in the Scottish Borders said: “This is my first time at LAMMA since Newark. I head good reports about last year so thought I had to come. It’s been good – we have six operators who have been down here for two days, and they are influencers – they’ve enjoyed it and found it worthwhile. It’s good to meet some of the key people beyond the dealers too, such as manufacturer’s representatives.” Steve Lowe, Buxton, Derbyshire was looking for information and dirty water and slurry handling kit, as well as parts and hydraulic equipment. “It’s been very useful – I could do with two days really. It’s a much better venue and com- fortable – you can stay on sites a bit longer and have proper conversations.” Oliver Mackintosh who farms in Yorkshire was impressed with the show and the profes- sional environment. “We get to Agritechnica every two years and LAMMA has become is a lot more like that – it’s a lot better inside than outside.” LAMMA ’21 will take place at the NEC, Birmingham, on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 January 2021.