The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2020 - Issue 67 | Page 35
YAMS 2020 35
• FEB/MAR 2020
WISE words from Cyril
Bainbridge. All too often farmers
struggle on with equipment that’s
past its best, doesn’t do the job
they want it to, or just isn’t big
enough. Well, all you need to
do is chat with Cyril and Wendy
Bainbridge and they will have the
answer. It doesn’t matter if you’ve
got a scrappy sketch, rough
idea in your head or just some
measurements. Turning all
of these into exactly what
you want is exactly
what Bainbridge
Engineering do. No
matter what you
require in specifica-
tion or modification,
Cyril has both the
answers and skills to
build or modify exactly
what the farmer needs.
Once you have a piece of
Bainbridge Equipment you will
quickly realise just how good it
is and how robustly made it is.
‘ It doesn’t matter
if you’ve got a
scrappy sketch,
rough idea in your
head or just some
This year’s
YAMS show
was another good one for the
Bainbridge team with plenty of
units sold on the day and loads
of leads to be followed up.
Cyril and Wendy always enjoy
this show despite the usual wind
and cold, what a bonus this year
to have some sun with a bit of
warmth – puts everyone in a
better mood.
Wendy and the rest of the
team know everything there is to
know about handling equipment
but will always involve Cyril
if there is a finite engineering
Bainbridge Engineering are
well known for their fabrication
of handling equipment such
as brackets for tractors and
loaders, buckets, muck forks
and even steam engine wheels.
All their buckets and muck
forks are CE approved, hence
are made to a high standard,
their yard brushes are very
popular and hard wearing,
they now also carry several
stock items.
The final piece in this jigsaw
of quality is a realistic price!
So indeed why make do
when you can buy new!
Feeders - Buckets - Muck forks - Bale spikes - Bainbridge Rotary Sweepers
feeder specialists dealing in sales, repairs, and
relines of most makes of feeders.
Boron (hardened steel blade edge). Strengthened
bands are placed where brackets are fitted.
Brackets to suit your needs. Painted or galvanised.
NEW DESGIN MUCK FORK- solid steel back to
stop muck from pushing into loader back plate.
Strength and durability. From 5’.
HOME OF THE BRS- Bainbridge Rotary Sweeper - This powerful bucket
mounted sweeper converts a material handling bucket into a versatile sweeper collector unit.
Model Bucket Width Sweeping Width Overall Width Price (inc VAT)
BRS - Small 1.10 - 1.44m 1.20m 1.37m £1400
BRS - Medium 2.03 - 2.24m 1.98m 2.37m £1600
BRS - Large 2.24 - 2.44m 2.18m 2.57m £1700
East Farm, Cold Kirby, Thirsk, YO7 2HL
Tel: 01845 597655 / 07831 425056
Email: [email protected]
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