The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2020 - Issue 67 | Page 26

26 FARM NEWS FEB/MAR 2020 • HSE TO CARRY OUR INSPECTIONS ON FARMS FOLLOWING SAFETY ALERT FARMERS are being reminded that they must protect their workers’ health by controlling the risks from welding fume. The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) current programme of inspections will review health and safety standards on farms across the country, and the industry is being encouraged to visit HSE’s revised guidance to remind themselves of the changes to control expectations. To protect your workers’ health, you must ensure you have adequate controls in place to avoid or reduce exposure to welding fume. Employers should be using local exhaust ventilation where effective and provide suit- able respiratory protective equipment where neces- sary to protect workers in the metal fabrication industry from inhaling fumes. The inspections follow a safety alert that was issued in February 2019 after new evidence showed expo- sure to mild steel welding fume can cause cancer and HSE updated guid- ance to reflect this. Scientific evidence from the International Agency for Research on Cancer shows that exposure to mild steel welding fume can cause lung cancer and possibly kidney cancer in humans. ‘ protect your workers’ health ’ Adrian Hodkinson, Acting Head of Agriculture at HSE said: “Everyone involved in farming has a role to play. While welding carried out in the agricultural sector can be infrequent or of low-intensity, employers still need to understand the risk they and their employees face in terms of exposure to welding fume, and the simple ways they can be managed. “Farmers are reminded that death, injuries and cases of ill-health are not an inevitable part of farming.” From tools and videos, to web pages and publications, AHDB has strengthened its cereal disease management guidance for 2020 It follows the move of cereals and oilseeds information to a new website, which will cover all content generated by AHDB: AHDB has also announced plans to update the industry on the status of the UK’s cereal pathogen populations. The AHDB Wheat and barley disease management guide and associated web pages are major new resources. Together, they provide the in-depth information required to tackle major cereal diseases through integrated pest management (IPM). Complementing the popular AHDB Encyclopaedia of cereal diseases, the new guidance highlights disease risk factors and provides at-a-glance man- agement solutions. Target disease web pages dive deeper and explore hosts, life cycles and symptoms. The pages also bring together developments on non-chemical and chemical control, including fungicide performance data and tips on designing fungicide programmes. The AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) has exploited the digital arena for many years, with results released online months ahead of the physical publication. To add value to the RL, the 2020/21 data was launched alongside an online variety selection tool. Later this year, AHDB plans to issue an RL app to ensure the latest varietal ‘ the new guidance highlights disease risk factors and provides at-a- glance management solutions ’ information is always at farmers’ fingertips. Last year, AHDB issued the winter wheat disease ratings for yellow rust and brown rust online ahead of the full RL. This followed reports of higher than expected disease levels during the 2018/19 growing season. However, varietal resistance was in line with recent years and no major changes in resistance ratings occurred. However, an analysis of wheat samples, gathered during the 2018/19 season, will provide a clearer picture of whether a shift in the UK yellow and brown rust populations has occurred. The UK Cereal Pathogen Virulence Survey (UKCPVS) stakeholder event, on 4 March 2020 in Cambridgeshire, will outline the latest situation.