The Farmers Mart Feb-Mar 2020 - Issue 67 | Page 24

24 FARM NEWS FEB/MAR 2020 • LINCOLNSHIRE SHOWGROUND CHALLENGES COUNCIL’S CASE TO PURSUE CHARITABLE RATE RELIEF CUT THE Lincolnshire Agricultural Society (LAS) is challenging West Lindsey District Council’s decision to remove its charitable rate relief. THE LAS, which operates from Lincolnshire Showground, is a non-profit making charita- ble organisation, set up in 1869 with the aim of educating people across the county about food, farming and a sustainable environment. Because of the work it does for the Lincolnshire community in terms of edu- cation on food and farming with schools, colleges and charitable organisations, the LAS has had an 80% charitable rate relief for decades, but this has now been called into question by the council – which has taken the matter to court. The LAS is fighting the action saying that without the rate relief, some of its events could be scaled back – including the size and scale of the Lincolnshire Show, causing a “domino effect” on local businesses. With an additional burden on finances imposed by West Lindsey, entry prices could rise at the Lincolnshire Show and we may have to charge entry to some of the other educational events we host, which are currently free of charge, says Jane Hiles, LAS chairman. She said: “This has been a really difficult time for us. All of the work that the LAS carries out is for the good of the county – and its people and therefore, we strongly believe we should receive a charitable rate relief. “Without the charitable rate relief, the LAS could be faced with an annual increased cost of almost £70,000 per year – money that is currently earmarked in delivering our educational work.” The LAS, which has had a permanent home at the Lincolnshire Showground for more than 60 years and celebrated its 150th anniversary last year, gift aids 100% of surplus funds from non-charity bookings into maintaining the showground and delivering its educational work. As a non-profit making organisation, the LAS does not make money from its events or endeavours, says Jane – and this includes the Lincolnshire Show. “We do not make a profit on the Lincolnshire Show. It is a showcase event held every year for the good of the community, businesses and the farming network. It may seem that we are securely funded, but in fact our margins are extremely tight and we have to constantly review costs,” added Jane. “The wet show in 2019 and the burden of the legal costs we incurred in the action with West Lindsey District Council, resulted in a trading loss of more than £100,000 in the year 2018/19.” It could be a landmark case if the showground is forced to relinquish its charitable rate relief, said Jayne Southall, CEO of the Lincolnshire Showground. “The showground operates in the same way as around 20 other major agricultural showgrounds across the UK. The UK agricultural industry relies on its county showgrounds to be centres which host conferences, meetings and major events,” she said. “We believe the showground plays a pivotal role in allowing the LAS to achieve its charitable objective and that, as such, the venue should qualify for the charitable rate relief that it has always historically received. “The Lincolnshire Show requires year-round planning and organisation to ensure high standards of safety, quality and educational value and not only do we fulfil our charitable objectives with the show and the showground, but we also make a huge difference to the local economy, supporting local businesses and providing lots of temporary jobs.” Employing more than 20 staff, the charity team works all year-round to meet the aims and objectives of the organisation as defined by the Charity Commission and in addition to the annual show also provides satellite edu- cational events and activities throughout Jayne Southall, CEO of the Lincolnshire Showground the year, benefitting thousands of local children, farmers and their families. Jayne added: “Hosting such a large event as the Lincolnshire Show and maintaining the showground’s 243-acre site, including its additional buildings and infrastructure, costs money and the only way we can uphold such important charitable work is by generating income outside of charity events. “We fully intend to challenge the decision taken by West Lindsey District Council to remove charitable rate relief for the showground so that we can ensure the future of our much-loved show, charitable work and the viability of other businesses and organisations that rely on our events and venue for income.” NFU East Midlands regional director Gordon Corner said: “Lincolnshire Agricultural Society plays an absolutely crucial role as an educational charity, teaching young people about the vital part farming plays in the county and the country. “The innovative and exciting activities LAS puts on demonstrate not only how ‘ The Lincolnshire Show requires year- round planning and organisation to ensure high standards of safety, quality and educational value ’ much work the society does but also how important it is that this progress continues. “The Tractors into Schools project is always hugely popular and I took agri- culture minister Robert Goodwill around the Schools’ Challenge at the Lincolnshire Show which involved dozens of schools and hundreds of children. We were both amazed by the experience; it was utterly inspirational. “People today have never been more removed from how their food is pro- duced, despite a massive surge in interest into the subject and, on that basis, the charitable and educational work LAS