High quality 4kWh
system installed from
£6,499 Inc VAT
Solar PV is one of the best
investments you can make...
Why Choose Ignite
Sustainable Energy?
What can Solar PV do for me?
Quality modules made in Germany.
Valuable guarantees – For your piece of mind.
Generated Income and savings mean you will
Add Real Value to your property.
20 years of tax free income (Index-Linked).
The income you receive is government
backed for 20 years.
Your net return over 20 years could be up to
£20,000 Tax Free.
As the cost of electricity increases protect
Get paid by your electricity supplier for the
electricity you don’t use.
Ignite Sustainable Energy have partnered
up with The Greener Group an
award-winning MCS accredited
company, specialising in Solar PV
panels, Biomass boilers, Air source heat
pumps and other forms of renewable
energy technology. The primary focus
is on the design and installation of
green energy solutions, from small scale
domestic projects to large scale commercial installations. Our partnership pride
ourselves on using cutting edge
technology, for example The Greener
Group were the first UK company to install
solar electric roof slates and are now the
UK’s first ever installer of Hyderlio floating
solar PV for large bodies of water. Ignite
have insulated over 100,000 homes and
saved customers large amounts of money
on their fuel bills.
For more information please visit www.ignitese.co.uk
Evans Business Centre, Minerva Avenue, Chester, Cheshire, CH1 4QL
Telephone - 01244 389335 Email - [email protected]