The Farmers Mart Feb/Mar 2015 - Issue 38 | Page 40

Meadow Meats Future proofing a 60 year tradition of dairy farming »»The Lea family has farmed at Manor Farm, Hood Green on the edge of Barnsley since the 1950s. It was Richard’s grandparents who first launched the business in 1957 Lea and Son, both worked on the farm for many years his grandfather remained involved in the business to the ripe old age of 82. This family clearly doesn’t believe in early retirement - two active uncles are still in farming at the ages of 74 and 78. None of the Lea family is a stranger to hard work. Richard Howard’s son joined the family farm after leaving school, having spent most of his childhood working and being involved in the farm. 40 Feb/Mar 2015 Not long after Richard’s joining, the family took on the tenancy of nearby Stone Farm which gave them better buildings, more land and a better dairy unit as well as major bonus of having everything in one place - and the advantage of not having daily to take the cattle on the road. This also helped to free up grazing land for sheep that would be needed later on. Two years ago, in order to comply with new regulations, they installed a new slurry store which provides them with extra capacity and which will allow them to increase the herd to 200. As our readers know only too well, farming is a tough business. In 2006 the family