The Farmers Mart Feb/Mar 2015 - Issue 38 | Page 28

Farmstar Simply , Smarter Spreading ! Double, double overlap spread 12m to 42m for precise spreading with practical on-farm tolerance and less risk of error. Available with Weigh Cells and Headland Section Control Tel: 01423 324221 Latest Charts on www. Single Season for packing quality on the right soil type Hard Hose Drip Solid Set Sprinklers for processing potatoes for all occasions t: 01302 771881 e: [email protected] w w w. w r o o t w a t e r. c o m PROVEN IN THE FIELD You have the Power..... .....and for reliable trouble free performance, we’re right behind you. 28 Feb/Mar 2015 RICHARD WESTERN LTD. D’Urbans, Framlingham, Suffolk IP13 9RP . TEL: 01728 723224